This SOGO Jumbo fan is designed as a 12V car fan. The fan's head can be adjusted easily. The connecting node below the fan can be adjusted up and down the hood and 360° horizontally, which can keep you cool at every angle. It has three leaf blades, which improve the wind speed and make it stable, strong, and more uniform, and the 2-speed option will help cool your car's interior and you. It can be mounted on your dash or wherever you want with double tape. Buy SOGO Jumbo today and say goodbye to the hotness!
Rs 2,499.00
SKU Dog8

This SOGO Jumbo fan is designed as a 12V car fan. The fan's head can be adjusted easily. The connecting node below the fan can be adjusted up and down the hood and 360° horizontally, which can keep you cool at every angle. It has three leaf blades, which improve the wind speed and make it stable, strong, and more uniform, and the 2-speed option will help cool your car's interior and you.

It can be mounted on your dash or wherever you want with double tape. Buy SOGO Jumbo today and say goodbye to the hotness!

  1. Samantha Smith
    27 May, 2018
    Phasellus id mattis nulla. Mauris velit nisi, imperdiet vitae sodales in, maximus ut lectus. Vivamus commodo scelerisque lacus, at porttitor dui iaculis id. Curabitur imperdiet ultrices fermentum.
  2. Adam Taylor
    12 April, 2018
    Aenean non lorem nisl. Duis tempor sollicitudin orci, eget tincidunt ex semper sit amet. Nullam neque justo, sodales congue feugiat ac, facilisis a augue. Donec tempor sapien et fringilla facilisis. Nam maximus consectetur diam. Nulla ut ex mollis, volutpat tellus vitae, accumsan ligula.
  3. Helena Garcia
    2 January, 2018
    Duis ac lectus scelerisque quam blandit egestas. Pellentesque hendrerit eros laoreet suscipit ultrices.

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